Largest Albino Cory Species


New Member
Jan 15, 2010
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Kinda new to the forum, but, here goes...... I'm looking for a few Corys for a 75G tank that currently houses an Albino Oscar to help with the "cleaning" of a notoriously messy eater. Most albino corys I've seen at the LFS (local fish shop) are a bit on the small side (2 in max) Are there any LARGER species of Cory that are offered in the "albino" variety?? Thanks in advance.
Kinda new to the forum, but, here goes...... I'm looking for a few Corys for a 75G tank that currently houses an Albino Oscar to help with the "cleaning" of a notoriously messy eater. Most albino corys I've seen at the LFS (local fish shop) are a bit on the small side (2 in max) Are there any LARGER species of Cory that are offered in the "albino" variety?? Thanks in advance.

Well, really, there are no species of Cory that I know of that are bigger than even six inches at the max, but honestly, i'm just going to tell it to you straight. Please don't put any Cories in with your Oscar. I've researched Oscars quite a bit and know a fair amount about them and although they aren't necessarily extremely aggressive fish; anything that can fit in their mouths they will eat. It's not a matter of "if" it's when they will eat the fish. From what I know, not even 24 hours after you've put the teeny little cory in there, your Oscar will have eaten it, and at the very least attempted to eat it. Because Cories are really not a good option for such a large Cichlid as an Oscar, I would definitely suggest something along the lines of a Pleco or a fairly good sized Catfish of sorts, but this may require a bigger tank since Plecos tend to get quite large. But if all else fails, I would just do WC more often to keep his tank clean. I hope this helped you, and i'm sorry if I sounded rude at all, but good luck and welcome to TFF! :)
Thanks for the quick response. I do understand that some corys might not be the best tankmates for an oscar, but, he is kinda small at the moment (about 4-5 inches) I've read a few things online (with a grain of salt I might add) that if the oscar is introduced early enough to fishes that are too big to currently be prey items, he will not see them as prey items even when he IS big enough. I'm also currently trying to acclimate him to processed (pellet) foods, rather than live, so that it might help with the aggressive tendencies. I think that if a given species of Cory can be up to 6 inches, it'll be safe from him for quite some's just, is that species ever offered in "albino" variety?? I realize it's a long shot...but, that's half the fun sometimes. :) Thanks....any other replies/ideas/info are welcome.
Corydoras barbatus grows up to 5 inches...but i dont think i have ever seen an albino one :/ you can try looking...
Ah okay, I can see where you are coming from now, I had just automatically figured that your Oscar was full grown :p Green Terror is probably right, but if you still have any questions, I would ask Coryologist since he would probably definitely know the biggest type of Albino. Good luck again, and I would love to see some pics of your Oscar some time too, I had wanted to get an Albino Oscar but i'm not allowed to. They're quite beautiful fish. Good luck again :)
I did see that Corydoras barbatus, in what research I have done thus far, is probably the best option so far. What species is the "Albino Cory" you see most commonly at the LFS?? Are they bronze corys? To add a little more detail/explanation....The Albino Oscar is housed with some Albino Tinfoil Barbs (4 of them), so I would like to get something of a "clean-up crew" working the empty lower levels AND keep the Albino theme going. Kinda odd, I know, but that's the way I like it. :rolleyes:
I just went to my LFS today and saw some Albino Cories and I do think that they would probably be Bronze cories but you could ask Coryologist, he'd probably know. I like the "Albino Theme" lol I think that would look really cool, especially under LED lights of some other sort of bright light, I bet they would look amazing. You should definitely post pics of your tank! :p
Well....I spent alot of time today doing some research online and I think Miss Original's initial advise still stands. It seems that my best bet for a LARGE cory cat would be in the neighborhood of 5 inches (barbatus) which would it would be HIGHLY unlikely to find an albino anyway. Sooooo.....change of plan is in order. The point being I want something to poke around in the gravel and get all the uneaten maybe a loach!? More specifically a "Golden Weather Loach" if not an albino version of the same. They get to be quite a bit larger (8-12 inches) and will perform the same duties.
Any thoughts anybody might have are appreciated.

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