Larger Corys


Oct 26, 2006
Reaction score
Fishers, Indiana
Hello All!
I would like to put a group of cory's in my large aquarium (55G). But, Im not sure if they will be big enough to go in with the pictus. The pictus are both small right now, 3.5 inches +/-. Just wondering if there is a species of cory that gets 4 - ish inches. Any help would be appreciated!
corys generally only grow to about 3" you might want to look at Bronchis as they tend to grow bigger, some thing like Bronchis Splenden
I might be wrong, but I think as the Pim Pictus grows, it will eat anything it can get its mouth around. Also, I dont think cories do well with the bigger catfish.
thats what I thought, lol, but didnt want to say that and get slapped down, as has been happening lately when I say stuff like that :)
Brochis aren't strickly Cories, according to Inchworm when I got mine. They get to be quite a mouthful. They have swords for dorsal fins. They are a bit skittish though. If they get messed with they will probably disappear.

About the pictus I know nothing. Where is it from? Would a larger Syno maybe work?

Who's slapping you down Studz? In this forum? Inchworm won't like that!
not on the cory thread :D its on other ones, but meh! I spend most my time here :) so no worries.
I've given adive and commented on some people threads and they didn't like what I wrote, and I'm not mean with what I say or anything, well I dont mean to be :D

/me gets the Inchworm army to back him :D
Rudeness is seldom justified. I get annoyed sometimes when 5 experienced people give the same answer, three more say listen to this, and the person asks again and agian and again in the same thread, a different thread, and on different boards. I just...Sigh! And then they wonder why no one is answering any more....Sigh!

Stick your tongue out at them! :lol:

/me goes to get my Smith and Wesson and hip holster! :grr: lol I don't even know how to spell it lol
exactly! lol, thought I wouldnt say I was ecperience. but some people dont wanna heat the truth, they want to here "Yeah thats fine, put what you like in that 4gallon tank"

anyway lets stop de-railing this thread :D
In a 4 gallon with an oscar


You have your thread back, Breeze. Sorry for the hijack. :(
Hi Big thread stealers!! JK :fun:
I appreciate the feedback! What is the bronchis that is spoken of? Does it have a common name? My LFS had some labeled as Julii's which I hear get bigger BUT...word on the boards says those aren't the ones at the LFS, just mis-labeled.
Maybe I will switch around my 10- gallon and put a few more cory's in there and do loaches for my bigger one...?? thoughts?
And I would never say anything bad about people's opinions and comments... unless they are really mean!!
The most common one to be found is Emerald Corey. My shop just says it's a cory. Best to ask by Brochis splendens. I know nothing about the pictus, the sharks or others. It looks a little aggressive. If it is you might want to go with something else, although reading the planet catfish description, it says it can handle more boisterous fish.

Brochis splendens link
Thanks for the link Jolly. I will keep my eye out for those. But, I may try and get something a little bigger and better inclined to handle a more semi-aggressive tank. Thanks for your help! ideas always appreciated!
Those Julii's will probably be C.Trilineatus and grow to 2.8" really julii are smaller, and rarely seen in Fish shops.

but Your idea of moving fish around I think would be a better choice, you can then ensure your corys will have a peaceful and stress free (more or less) life
You might ask about Syno Catfish on the other board. I am really not familiar with the sharks and pitcus or ask in the forums that deal with sharks and pitcus. :/ I'm guessing that Inchworm will have an answer for you--maybe tonight.

The Brochis are the best choice probably for a boisterous tank like with some loach/botia. They are not only 3.5 inches, but very large bodied with very sharp dorsal fins, even the males are not really streamlined like the Coradoras.
Basically, cories will not do well in the long term with bigger catfish. Brochis Splendons maybe ok, but I would not risk it.

EDIT: I have also heard stories of Loaches hurting cories too. I have 8 Brochis Splendons with my loaches right now and I am keeping a very close eye on them. They are all big enough that the loaches wont bother them right now, but Im taking them out soon and giving them their own tank.

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