Large Shrimp In A Community?

Ben M

Formerly pest control
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorkshire
Hi, my brother is getting rid of his kribs soon, and is thinking of getting some bamboo shrimp or a similar large shrimp. Would any species be suitable for a community tank with the average shoalers: silvertip tetras, glowlight tetras, cherry barbs, tiger barbs and also a pair of BN's, which are juvi's ATM. And would they be ok with red cherry shrimp and their shrimplets?

the tank is a juwel lido 120.

Also, are there any of the larger shrimp species that breed in freshwater?

cheers :good:
More of a question than a definitive answer, but perhaps a small group of African Fan Shrimp (Cameroon Vampire Shrimp, lots of common names)? For them to be contenders, I believe the tank needs to be at least six months mature past cycling, so they have a good chance of filtering enough bits of microscopic food from the current.
thanks, the tank has been set up for 1 year now, so that should be ok. apparently they are selling bamboo shrimp at an LFS near me for £1.50 each according to a mate. would the bamboo shrimp be ok?

cheers :good:

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