Large Hermit Crabs


Mar 26, 2011
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Bolton (UK)
Are they reef safe? i got a large one tonight that is at least 4 times the size of my others and i just want to make sure he is reef safe .. He is a electric blue hermit which are suppose to be safe but not sure when they get large. He is amazing to watch but seems very bold and steams around the tank in no time :lol:
There is individual variation in all species, but most likely it will leave corals completely alone when it gets a case of the munchies. Other encrusting animals (various worms, Vermetid snails, bivalves) will be on the menu and animals that are easily damaged by being sat on/bumped/etc. will probably not enjoy the hermit's company. Basically, standard large bumbling animal precautions apply:
- Stick your rocks down or make sure you have to invest a fair bit of effort to move them, don't stack them precariously
- Don't put fragile things where they can be fallen on
- Don't put fragile things where they're likely to be between a strong animal and something of interest (trapped food, etc.)

The main possible problem I see isn't so much the reef safeness as that you've stocked it with smaller hermits. If the others are a different species, you will need to keep a close eye on the lot over time. Calcinus elegans is usually pretty peaceful as Calcinus species go, but mixed-species environments (particularly those with size differences) can trigger many unwanted behaviors that are far easier to avoid in single-species environments.
Thanks Donya, he was living with smaller hermits and has been so for around 18 months. Will take what you have said on board :)

Thanks again!

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