Large Clown


Mar 1, 2004
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Well, I dont have to worry about my clown eatting any more. :-( She was belly up this morning. She had not eaten since I got her 3 weeks ago. Sadness fills my heart.
Ram, something is wrong. First your mandarine, now your clown, one of the more hardy of fishes. Have you double-checked all parameters and equipment?
Two different tanks. The clown was ill, and not eatting when I got it, the other was was battered by other fish. He was the only fish in my reef at the time. I mostly have ill fish, when they get better, they go back to the LFS.
Because the LFS gives me the sick fish to cure, also any fish that they dont know what to do with, like the manderian. Some times I keep them for a wile, once in awile I put them in my reef. No fish right now in there, giving the reef a break. I might keep the two tangs, but we will see. Sometimes I want them, other times I dream of pipe fish.
So, you opperate a non-profit sick shelter for fish?

... There is an idea in there...
Sorry RamJet. :( I've had clowns die on me before, so I know how you feel. :-(

You planning on getting another one, or not yet?
I would like to get another, it wont be long before another sick clown comes my way. I liked having them for my anemones.
Have to agree with you there. I could spend hours just watching a clown bask in its anemone. Hope your next one does better.

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