large Bumblebee cichlid with small pleco


New Member
May 5, 2004
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I had a very happy tank. One Bumblebee cichlid (5 inches) and a large pleco (6 inches). My problem is that the Pleco died and now I have an algae problem. The balance was perfect with the pleco taking care of the algae. I am afraid to put another pleco in the tank because I can't find any large ones to purchase, Only about 2 inch ones, and I believe the cichlid might kill it right away. What should I do? Should I try the small pleco? thanks for your help.
umm i have like 7 cichlids and like a 1inch pleco, they dont bother him at all, of course my cichlids are bumblebee's BUT i doubt he'll hurt your pleco either, BUT im new at this so just wait for others to answer(just wanna see if im right or not heh)
hi i have 2 large bumblebees and 2 very small clown plecos about 1.5 inches each and they do fine. if you are still concerned about agression maybe you could buy more than one pleco of a size that will not outgrow your current tank. hope this helps
Look for Bristlenose pleco, they are very tough, and only grow up to 6" or so, plus they're good for algae. All in all a good pleco for a cichlid tank.
thanks for the replys!

I'm going to pick up a couple plecos tonight and see what happens. I'll look for the Bristlenose pleco too.

This may well be too late, but Plecs are genarally best kept as individuals for 2 reasons.

1. They don't particularly like each others company
2. They grow to an extremely large size, most tanks cannot accomodate 1 never mind 2.

This info applies to Common Plecs and Sailfin/Leopard plecs, the Bristlenose would be a very good choice though.

Hope this helps
i think i have strange plecos then becasue i have 2 clowns and 1 bristlenose in the same tank and they all are inseperable should i seperate them or will they be ok?

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