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Feb 24, 2004
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Kent, UK
This is my beautiful Charolais Steer, Lancelot who was slaughtered last August 16th.

Although he was raised for meat it didn't make losing him any easier. I'd cared for him since the day he was born, spent hours halter training and eventually showing him, winning more than 15 rosettes and even a trophy for turnout and handling.


Here he is for being washed before the Kent County Show in July. In the beginning of that week, our Young Farmers Club had a small show and I came first of about 12 cattle and their handlers to win the aforesaid trophy.

The next picture is of his head, all shaved for showing. (he is so beautiful isnt he?)


I love this photo. He is so cheeky! the next instant he was trying to eat the camera!


This is Lancelot two hours after he was born.

Thanks for reading!
Awww beautiful ^^ What an awesome looking cow. Cinci (the Charolais I worked with) lives at Farm Sanctuary; I'm sure the info is on their website somewhere but I'm too lazy to go find it (lol). That breed has such a fun temperament
Awww... I'm sorry that you had endure losing your pet. I know how you feel though. When I was younger, my friend's parents owned cattle and we were there from his first breath of air to the time Caeser was sold for the same reasons. I guess it's just the way things go, though it doesn't make it any less painful. At least you had the time you did with him though and no one can take that away.

That must have been a hard thing to do was to lose him.
Lovely animal and I love cows, no matter what anyone says, they have so much personality and looking into their eyes shows how intellegent they are!
I nom Lancelot for POTM in his memory!
Thank you all so much!

You're making me cry now! I can't believe he got nominated for POTM.

But the farm wasn't a very good one they weren't very kind to their animals. so I keep telling myself he is in a better place.

har har he used to kick the people i didnt like. he never seemed to go for any of my friends though (maybe he wasnt doing it

Im glad everyone likes cows because they are far more intelligent,loveable, fun and friendly than people give them credit for!

Thank you so much for Lancelot's Nom!
Great Photos!!!

I take it you live or work on a Farm? Where abouts in Kent is it?

You mentioned the Kent County Show. I'm gonna try my hardest to go to the next one, people I know who have been loved it!
It was a school farm in south east kent, near folkestone.

The Kent County Show is great, if we go for a walk around this year I'm going to track down the fudge. The best fudge I have ever had. Ahem. The showjumping is great too.

Go! Go! I think if you go to a KM newspaper office, you can get money off your tickets in advance. Because It's quite expensive.
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