Marine Enthusiast!
Livestock: Lamprologus Similis
Quantity for sale:2
Reason for Sale:Have not got room for them, cant keep with my multies
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: £5 each will swap for cherry shrimp, bee shrimp, Neolamprologus Multifasciatus(multies), or will consider any offer. NOW FREE
Postage & Packaging: N/A please dont ask.
Location:Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 5HP
MALE(i think)
These are a possible pair, one matches the "male" similis profile, as did the "female", the male bigger with a "hump" on its head, and the female slightly smaller.
They are around 1.5" approx
They have a great tollerance of each other, which demonstrates pair like behavior, they require hard, alkaline water and shells (of which 5 i will give for free)
If your intrested, Pm me
Quantity for sale:2
Reason for Sale:Have not got room for them, cant keep with my multies
Delivery or Collection: Collection
Sales price: £5 each will swap for cherry shrimp, bee shrimp, Neolamprologus Multifasciatus(multies), or will consider any offer. NOW FREE
Postage & Packaging: N/A please dont ask.
Location:Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 5HP
MALE(i think)
These are a possible pair, one matches the "male" similis profile, as did the "female", the male bigger with a "hump" on its head, and the female slightly smaller.
They are around 1.5" approx
They have a great tollerance of each other, which demonstrates pair like behavior, they require hard, alkaline water and shells (of which 5 i will give for free)
If your intrested, Pm me