Lampeye White Stripe And Rummynoses Torn Fins


Fish Addict
Jan 31, 2012
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I've noticed a large white stripe down one side of my oldest male lampeye killi. It literally appeared overnight. There is also a white spot on his other side. It looks almost fuzzy, I wonder whether it's a fungus?

Also, several of my rummynoses have suddenly developed torn fins, again very suddenly. None of them are showing any odd behaviour.

I recently added 10 young lampeyes to the tank but none of them are showing any symptoms. I lost my 2 oldest female lampeyes last week. They were 4 years old and I assumed that it was probably old age. I've read that they live to 3ish years old. They weren't showing any symptoms at all and were eating etc as normal.

I recently lost an apistogramma to suspected hexamita, but the symptoms the others are showing are nothing like his were. I've been checking the tank frequently since then to monitor for any symptoms in the other fish. These new ones popped up overnight!

I've checked the water and everything is spot on. I've done a 70% water change.

Like I said the lampeye looks like he has a fungus as its fuzzy looking. I've used pimafix before for fungus and it worked within 2 days of starting the course so I was considering adding that? I've added some photos below of the lampeye, the clearest ones I could get. Does anyone have any advice?

Edit: I dosed a course of myxazin before I lost the apisto as he developed popeye. That finished on Tuesday, I noticed the new symptoms yesterday (Friday). I don't know whether this could be related.

Thanks in advance.


Hiya, pimafix won't do any harm, it's all natural stuff. If you've done a big water change though I'd wait and see what tomorrow brings. Sometimes a large water change does the trick :)

sorry, just re-read your OP, if you've had myaxin in have you run some carbon to clear the water of medication? I'd be worried about adding anything more - natural or not - until you've removed the traces of Myaxin. The large water change will have removed a lot of it but not all
Hiya! Yeah I used pimafix once and I was really impressed! It was at the very first sign of fungus though. No I haven't run carbon yet, I'm getting a Juwel carbon sponge from my parents tomorrow. How long should I run it for before adding pimafix?

Just remembered I also added a couple of plants a couple of weeks ago.

Do you think it could be fungus? Sometimes depending on the angle it looks like a blister! Weird looking.
to be honest I don't know how long it takes for carbon to rid the tank of medication, I'm guessing it's fairly quick if it's brand new. Because you've got this problem I'd run the carbon over night, do another water change of 25% and then start your course of pimafix
Because you've already done a large water change you've diluted the Myaxin already.
Are you able to catch the fish? You could run some temp matched water into a jug but not dechlorinate it. Add a little table sat to the jug, stir it and add the fish. Our water has copper in it and that's what most meds have in anyway. You can use the copper in our water to your favour - just so long as you keep it away from your filter :)
Ok ill get the carbon sorted.

Yep I can catch him. What does the table salt do? I've never used it before. You keep introducing me to these tricks :)
same as salt water does for us, heals wounds. It can't be used with fish that are sensitive to salt like cories but it's fine for others
He wasn't playing ball when I tried to catch him. Short of uprooting most of the plants it was going to be difficult.

So I treated the tank with melafix and pimafix. The white stripe disappeared within a couple of days :) and I finished the course of treatment. The rummynoses' fins have also healed and all appears well.

I couldn't get the pimafix from my local LFS, apparently it was on back order! So I ordered some offline which meant waiting a couple more days. The stripe became more fuzzy over those days so I'm pretty sure it was a fungus.

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