Ladies In Red


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2006
Reaction score
LoNg BeAcH, CaLi
just wanna share a few of my Ladies in Red..

all are fertile.. all already praised for over 100buxs.. nice parrots to have in a community tank.. not that aggressive and very bright and beautiful to look at.. and to top it off.. they get more red than this
so should i think of selling them or no i dont know

My KKP.. head not up.. only got heads when she spawning.

my Mammon..


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thanks for the comments!!

they both are in the range of 6 1/2 - 7 1/2 inches atleast from tip to tip..
nice KK mate :) never seen them that bright .
do you feed them HIKARI GOLD ?
i dont think it takes red enhancers to make a kk red
i think they are always that red
have you seen the pic of my parrot? kubora666? i get them red but its only sometimes
kk are so much better because they are always red
i did see your picture!
its hard to believe how they are soo red, jet a naturel fish.
my parrots are orange and a subtle pink. none are died and i love them to bits but after gonig through a bloodparrot draught where i live. there is LOADS now. only they are all died :(
il keep on to mine. the female is laying some eggs as i am typing. wether or not tehy hatch i dont know.
sorry to hear about your loss though :(

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