lacking colour


New Member
Nov 25, 2002
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finally got myself a tank couple of weeks ago and had the water tested a week after setting up before I added fish.Water was fine so went ahead and bought 5 harlequins and a male siamese fighter.Everything was fine and they seemed very happy.After a couple of days harlequins started losing thier colour and began hiding under the filter.Read they dont like to much light so reduced that and went out and bought 3 more and a female fighter at the same time.Well they r now back out in the open and are eating loads but their colour still isnt up to much.The two bettas r fine.I am stuck for ideas and have put off a partial water change incase they r to weak as i have reads water changes can effect fish.Please help as they r so beautiful when in full colour and shoaling and i am worried they might die
first, you say that after a week everything tested fine? your biological filter has not established. you have to have a spike in ammonia and nitrites and then have them go back to 0 readings. you could be having problems due to that. try adding some old tank water, gravel, sponge filter from an existing tank to jump start your filter. your fish will help to start the cycling, but you also risk the chance of losing some.

second, it is quite common for fish introduced into a new environment to become stressed. if these are tankmates they are not used to then they are establishing their pecking order. when fish are stressed they will lose their colors. make sure that they have plenty of hiding spots to claim their own territories and to hide from any bullies. turning off the lights for the first week or so is a good idea for them to get adjusted. also changes in food can cause them to stop eating and add to the stress. prolonged stress can result in fish loss. keep an eye on them and on your water parameters.

let us know how you do.


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