hello all.. my betta was previously sick with some unknown issue and he hasn't ever really fully recovered, even through two treatments of maracyn-two and one treatment of maracyn, raised water temps to 82, aquarium salt, bettafix and even RO water.
lately (past 2 days) he's been just laying at the bottom behind a fake plant, and not even coming to the top to eat.. he also has pulsating gills / heavy breathing. last night i changed his water and left him in a very shallow container while i rinsed his tank. he ate four hikari pellets because they were so close to his face. as soon as i put him back in his clean tank he sank to the bottom and has been laying there.
i've started another treatment of maracyn two this morning because i noticed what look like red veiny streaks on one side of his gills -- he is (an has been for a while) pale so its easier to see. other lingering symptoms are clamped fins but no signs of fungus, protruding scales, etc.
anyways have been out of ideas on his symptoms for a while as well since i've tried these different medications -- so at this point i'm just trying to find out what can cause heavy breathing and are there any other medications better/different than M2 to try and attack this? should i try bettaMAX or another type of antibiotic?
any advice appreciated.. thank you
lately (past 2 days) he's been just laying at the bottom behind a fake plant, and not even coming to the top to eat.. he also has pulsating gills / heavy breathing. last night i changed his water and left him in a very shallow container while i rinsed his tank. he ate four hikari pellets because they were so close to his face. as soon as i put him back in his clean tank he sank to the bottom and has been laying there.
i've started another treatment of maracyn two this morning because i noticed what look like red veiny streaks on one side of his gills -- he is (an has been for a while) pale so its easier to see. other lingering symptoms are clamped fins but no signs of fungus, protruding scales, etc.
anyways have been out of ideas on his symptoms for a while as well since i've tried these different medications -- so at this point i'm just trying to find out what can cause heavy breathing and are there any other medications better/different than M2 to try and attack this? should i try bettaMAX or another type of antibiotic?
any advice appreciated.. thank you