

Fish Crazy
Dec 30, 2007
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here is a link to the planetcatfish profile.


as you can see it is a little limited. i am going later today to buy a 30 gallon (30"L x 12"W x 16"H) to use as a peaceful community tank. i browsed the Cat-eLog and i really liked this L in particular. id like to know if its an option for my tank. as a rough description it is planned out to be well planted and heavily decorated with bogwood. i will either use sand as a substrate or some sort of fertilizer. if i go with the fert option it'll probably be the same stuff they sell for koi ponds since it comes in bulk and is cheaper that way. my water out of the tap has a very high pH but it, for some unknown reason, always seems to drop to the the very acidic end if left alone for a few weeks at a time. i do pretty regular water changes though so its hard to say what it stays at. tank mates include a banjo catfish, some cory cats, black kuhli loaches, and possibly a male betta... not sure if im gona keep him in the community since id like to get some tetras and they might nip his fins up. if yall need any other tank info let me know. :good:
ok so i decided nt to buy that 30 gallon and instead do something else, but i am still interested int knowing more about this fish.
lookslike your all sorted if nobody has anything else to add to help you out.

I have tetras in with my plecs and don't get any bother with fin nipping.

I have 1 x L182 starlight, 1 x L176 Peppermint, 2 x L187 Pitbull plecs and have just bought 2 x L114 Leopard Cactus plecs.

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