L273 ( Titanicus Sp. )- Does Anyone Have One Or Experience ?


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Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
My lfs has a stunning specimen that I've been eyeing up for quite a while now. Not cheap @ £45 for body length around 3" and total length with tail around 4.5" (with super long bright orange tail filaments).
It's far superior looking than any of the examples on Planet Catfish or a few Google images, and now that I have my 100Gallon tank, I'd like a nice little plec :hey:

So anyone who has one or had one, I'd like to hear from you :good:

Edit: actually very similar to this one here - just more beautiful with longer tail filaments:


ooo - found another image of a similar looking one - though this one looks quite large - especially against that Arrowana!

:drool: get that fish! i've been just dying to get one... sooooo sexy! if i recall, they get fairly large but no worse than any of the commons.

i only see them available on the web in the ~$50 range, so £45 doesn't sound too bad. (it always seems like the British fishy prices have the same numbers as the US prices for equivalent items.)
be carefull, I've ordered these in twice and twice they have died within a week. When talking to the wholsaler they said that this pleco don't travel very well.
I take it you are getting them from Terry; ask him how long he has had them in stock, if more than a week to 10 days then go for it.
Thanks for the warning Wolf :good: Though they've been in for several weeks now. Terry originally had about 10 and this is the last one left and has been there for at least a month now - perhaps even longer. Do you think that's is OK ? I'm not tempted to lose £45 :unsure:

Ps: missed your very last comment - yes they have been in the for much longer than 10 days - so you think it's worth the risk ? It is awefully pretty :wub:

:drool: get that fish! i've been just dying to get one... sooooo sexy! if i recall, they get fairly large but no worse than any of the commons.

i only see them available on the web in the ~$50 range, so £45 doesn't sound too bad. (it always seems like the British fishy prices have the same numbers as the US prices for equivalent items.)
They are - aren't they ? They should attain around 12" though tank sizes are "apparently" no larger than 10" (when caught young).
I haven't owned one myself Bloo (oh I wish!) but I did read up a bit on them when someone recommended pseudacanthicus species to me. Be careful with the size info, as that's based on SL rather than TL, and sometimes is based on very little info. Pseudacanthicus are generally fairly large growing, and I was told most of them reach 18" in the aquarium - whether or not that's true I can't tell you because we decided they weren't for us (carnivore). :good: I bet he's a stunner! :wub:
Be careful with the size info, as that's based on SL rather than TL, and sometimes is based on very little info. Pseudacanthicus are generally fairly large growing, and I was told most of them reach 18" in the aquarium - whether or not that's true I can't tell you because we decided they weren't for us (carnivore). :good: I bet he's a stunner! :wub:
Thanks Kathy :) I wondered about the size, but from what I could find on the net, it seems that the L025's are the ones that attain 18". Oh well, even if I get it now teensy tiny, I'm sure in a few years time (slow growing as they are and given that my tank isn't too small with no other plec currently in it, I guess it will be fine - and I'm sure in a few years time I might have a larger tank :D
I phoned and they're keeping it for me until I can go and pick it up on Friday ! :D :good:
Will post piccies once I have it.
Trust me - I know the feeling well ;) :D

What are you getting ??
I *think* he's a Rusty (L077) unless there's a similar hypostomus species with the red colouring but with less markings (this one looks red/rusty all over from the photo). He's definitely one of that hypostomus family though - which is what I've been after for ages. Up until I saw the photo my first choice would've been one of the spotty hypostomus, but this one's a cracker. I daren't post the pic unless it all goes belly up though :blush: :lol:

I bet on Thursday night the pair of us are sat on tenterhooks biting our nails :lol:

Edited: Excitement ruined my spelling.
I think i saw one of these today in wildwoods as well. Great looking fish, I would have been tempted had the temperature on the underground not been 40* plus.
Went to pick him up yesterday. And what a beauty :wub: well in my eyes anyway !
He's only a teeny little guy still though.

Not shy at all :D But I didn't really get a proper chance to take pics yet - and getting a new macro lens for my camera on Thursday, so should be able to take some much better photos then !!
I need to take some daylight pics to bring out his bright colouration - or perhaps just learn to use the camera better :/

Apologies, but the tank isn't properly set up yet. It's my "new" 100 Gallon didn't come with enough sand (if it had a decent 2" you wouldn't see the silicone reflected on the inside bottom sides that keep the trimming panels in place). And while I'm trying to find the same sand, I'll have to do with half an inch and constantly uprooted Vallis.

Also, I added an extra outlet during this heat for some extra water movement - and the plecs are actually loving it ! They are constantly swimming in the strong outflow. But hence the sand blown away on the bottom and seeing bare glass.





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