L260, Queen Arabesque Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Bradford, UK
I am looking into getting a new pleco but I am quite restricted on space.
I have read on planet catfish that these will grow to just over 3 inches so I feel they should be ok in a 30 gallon tank?
I would love some L046 Zebras but I can’t find them anywhere, and I’m sure if I could they would be too expensive.
From what I have read about the L260 they are a peaceful fish, do they do better in groups like zebras or are they ok on their own.
Are there any other small plecos out there that don’t cost a bomb?

Thanks for reading, Tom
i know around here, the queens usually cost $50-$60 US.............. gorgeous plec though, one of my faves actually.

three smaller varieties that you might want to look for,that wont' cost as much, the candy stripe plec, the clown plec (these two look very similar), and the bristlenose/bushynose plec. they get around 4 inches, are usually quite common and easy to find, and won't break the bank. but be sure to research needs (for example, the clowns enjoy a little wood to munch on).
I have been keeping/breeding queens for a couple of years and I love them :wub: The size varies but I would say even my smallest queen is 4". They are very shy and hardly ever seen so this might be a concideration if you are after a plec that you see.

Queens are fine in singles and are nice and peaceful. They will not clean your tank as they prefer meaty foods.

There are a few Zebras around but expect to pay the going rate which can be anything from £85-£130. Tri-mar did have some and here is the link:


Bristlenoses are always a good choice..they are great for keeping the tank clean and not as shy as many other plecs. They are also a fraction of the price of queens and zebs.

Hope this helps :D
If your looking for something a bit different yet not shed loads of cash try an L134.
Very striking and about the same size as Queens.

Here is our (Buffy)

thanks for the advice, that leopard frog L134 is gorgeous and i'm sure they are even more striking in real life. :nod:

i have posted interest on a thread of yours (smithrc) about importing zebras, i might just wait and do some saving . . . any news on that by the way? :dunno:

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