L260 Food


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2006
Reaction score
UK, Lancashire
Since i'm gettin an L260 I was wondering what do they eat and how often ( once a day? )
I know they eat cucumber and prawns but do they eat any pleco food that cand be bought from a fs? like those tetra tablets?
Here's some info on QAs - hope this helps:

A definite carnivore, and absolutely not an algae eater. Not picky, take a wide variety of live and frozen food such as bloodworms, brine shrimps, gammarus. Tablets, especially those with high percentage of Spirulina are also recommended.

I'd not bother with the Tetra wafers or tablets, they tend to break up easily - same with King British. I'd go for Hikari (you can get them on Ebay, but my LFS sell them again now) or Sera, I've also just recently bought some of the "Tropical" brand ones as they have a higher veggie content than the other brands - obviously cant say whether they're any good or not yet as I've only started using them today lol.

Hikari on Ebay (best deal but you can get much smaller packs too):

Tropical ones I've just bought - best deal on Ebay for this brand:

or here...


Wafers/tablets are not a complete food though - they should only be a supplement - I feed them every other day, with veggies on the days between (obviously with a QA you have to add some meat/protein though - I dont have QAs so someone else will be able to help with that side of things).

Good luck :)
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Hi goldencomet

Pretty much what LisaLQ said, with the commercial foods. I feed ours at night, which is good for the QA since most are very shy. Some become "tamer" with time, like my two who come out almost every feed.

You have to be careful with meaty foods, like the shrimp or prawns. I only give mine every 10 days or so. They could easily become constipated and too much protein isn't good for them either.

Mine love JMC catfish pellets, the Sera chips and blood worms once a week. Mine eat cucumber, courgette and potato (potato only every now and then, cucumber or courgette twice a week since I have other fish that eat it too).

Make sure you also have a hiding spot for the QA, like bog wood or a cave. What other fish will you be keeping the L260 with??

Good luck and look forward to pics of your new addition.

It's going to be kept with 5 corys, 3 otos, 10 harlequins and 2 dwarf gouramis in a juwel rio 125,
its got a small slate cave buried under the sand and a biggish piece of bogwood
Should I feed it once a day when the lights go out in the evening by putting pellets in front of his cave?
Should I feed it once a day when the lights go out in the evening by putting pellets in front of his cave?

That's what I did for a while, just so I knew the food was right there on offer. Eventually start dropping the food further away until you're dropping it in where you normally feed the other fish. The L260 will start coming out and eating amongst the others. Both mine have to share their food with the cories, BN, red whiptails, SAE's and sometimes the oto's. Not to mention the Amano shrimp who are very cheeky and sprint off with the food every now and then. :lol:

I saw your cave in your previous post, after I asked. :blush: Looks good, pretty much like the one I have.

Good luck and look forward to pics when you get the beauty. How many are you planning on???

Just out of interest how much did oyu pay or are paying for your queen arabesque ive heard there £35.00 when i paid £3.00 lol and its defo a l260

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