

New Member
Jan 6, 2007
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Hello Everyone,
Was in a local LFS today just looking at getting some bog wood for my tank. Took a look through the fish that are there to see if anything caught my eye. Looked in one of the tanks to see 4 or 5 small plecs in with some other unintresting fish. Now these plecs had perfect markings of a zebra plec but where marked up as an L207, this cant be true can it? They were only young about 2-2.5 inch long but had some stunning markings on them. Just wondering if anyone can shed some light on them? If i can get there tom ill take a picture for you.

Another question I have a 220l tank and am wondering if this would be ok for keeping this mystery fish in? It will be housed with

1 common plec
2 Zebra loach
2 Silver Sharks
5 Red tetras.

Sorry the infomation is vague, will try and find out what he/she is and take a picture. Dont want to get one if i cant.

Thanks for all your help :rolleyes:
This is an L207:

Doesn't look much like a zebra to me, but maybe they had them marked up wrongly ie. sold them and moved some other plecs in?

What's the dimensions of the tank? Silver sharks need a much bigger tank than 220l, more along the 180g (650-700l - not sure exactly) line, as they can get to 12", and need to be in large groups. Also your common will need a 4ft x 18" x 18" minimum to have enough room to swim about at full size (12-18" average). You probably do have room for another plec in there for now (depending on their current size), but in the long run you're going to have to either upgrade to a bigger tank or rehome the silver sharks and common. Also your loaches need to be in groups of 5 or more, as they're a shoaling species :)

Bet it's a pretty tank though - some lovely fish you have :)
Sorry the label said L207 Zebra plec.

I looked at pictures of an L207 and it is nothing like a zebra just wondering if the young ones could of looked like that.

Any chance it could of been a Zebra plec not an Imperial Zebra plec. When i asked the guy at the counter he said it was an zebra plec but not the one that everyone is looking for i.e the imperial think its L046 off the top of my head.

Tank is about 48 x 30 x 35 (Lx w x h) cant measure it as im not home now till tommorow.

This one is a bit of a mystery, but really do like the zebra's and quite fancy one.
Can you get any pictures of the mystery fish? I don’t think there is a difference between Zebra Plecostomus and Imperial Zebra Plecostomus.

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