L200 - Lemon spotted green pleco


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
My lfs has several specimens, about 3 - 4" long, very healthy looking. They're £30 each - is this a reasonable price?

Planet catfish says they get to about 7" long - can anyone tell me how long they take to grow?

Any info in general on them would be great!

They do look beautiful - just like the pic at plantcatfish.com here.
we have 3" ones for a penny less than your lfs is
selling them, seems to be a std price for L200's
Hi SarahBravo :)

That's a really beautiful fish! :clap: I hope you get it! :D
i've got 3 in my 60g. very beautiful, but a bit skittish. lately there's been some fighting as the krib fry have taken over most of the bottom, its not typically that bad.

i did have a bristlenose in there with mine, but he was far more aggressive than the L200s and beat them up a little. it seemed that the L200s don't eat as much as comparatively sized plecs, but that could be an illusion. be warned: until they figure out about algae tablets, they will decimate any broad-leaved plants such as red melon sword by rasping on them.
We have two (Lemony & Snicket) Paid £20 for one and £35 for the other so £30 is about par for the course. Go for it!

Ours eat hikari tablets, bloodworm, chopped prawn, zucchini and catfish pellets.
I paid the rip off price of £69 for mine... he is a large specimen though. Apart from the damage to my bank balance, I have no regrets at all. He's a lovely peaceful fish. He's settled in nicely and now comes out during the day as well as nice. He's very very beautiful and gets on well with my other plecs - a royal, common, 2XBN, red whiptail, common whiptail and long nosed whiptail. They live in a 100gal but he used to be living with 2 BNs in a 35gal with no probs at all.

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