L173 Fry vid from Sept. 2017


Fish Connoisseur
Dec 31, 2004
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I do not shoot vids. However, near the send of summer in 2017 my friend Rachel O'Leary, aka msjinkzd, visited and stayed over night. She was here to shoot some of my fish and tanks for her Youtube channel. I had recently had my WC group of Hypancistrus L173 start to spawn. So, I had a number of fry in a small tank at that time. Rachel shot this vid of them and sent me a co[y which I uploaded to my photo/vid hosting site. It is not the greatest vid as the tank wasn't set up for that purpose.

Site ruIes mean that I cannot link the vid to be watched here, but I am allowed to post this link which allows anyone who wishes to view it can in a browser.

I got my first 14 TR L173 ones in late 2014 and the 10 WC ones which gave birth to fry in the vid I got in 2015. Over the years both groups spawned and I have seen 100s of their offspring. They all have one feature I have seen at that is what I call "gold" eyes. They have a black pupil surrounded by gold. You will notice this in the vid when the light and angle are good.

I have never posted this vid before as I did not understand how to do it without giving access to all the rest of my pictures until today. Rachel does have the vid of her visit on her Youtube site I believe. However, she is no longer active in the hobby.

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