L168 - Butterfly Pleco


Fish Fanatic
Apr 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have a L168 - Butterfly Pleco. It is around 2 inch's at the moment and I would like to know the size they can grow to. 20 gallon might be a bit bigger tank. pH 6.5 and that might be all you need to know but message me if you need to know any thing else. Also if mine isn't an adult, how long will it take and also what do you reckon now. Had him 4 weeks looks a bit bigger than when I got him off my mate as he breeds them but I didn't see the adult as they where in a separate tank.

I have a L168 - Butterfly Pleco. It is around 2 inch's at the moment and I would like to know the size they can grow to. 20 gallon might be a bit bigger tank. pH 6.5 and that might be all you need to know but message me if you need to know any thing else. Also if mine isn't an adult, how long will it take and also what do you reckon now. Had him 4 weeks looks a bit bigger than when I got him off my mate as he breeds them but I didn't see the adult as they where in a separate tank.


Usually no more than around 6 inches, maybe a little more maybe a little less but there abouts :), size and growth rate usually depends on conditions and diet but yours is still a baby basically and 2 inches would be around 8-12 months ish or close to.

Nice fish btw :)
I have a L168 - Butterfly Pleco. It is around 2 inch's at the moment and I would like to know the size they can grow to. 20 gallon might be a bit bigger tank. pH 6.5 and that might be all you need to know but message me if you need to know any thing else. Also if mine isn't an adult, how long will it take and also what do you reckon now. Had him 4 weeks looks a bit bigger than when I got him off my mate as he breeds them but I didn't see the adult as they where in a separate tank.


Usually no more than around 6 inches, maybe a little more maybe a little less but there abouts :), size and growth rate usually depends on conditions and diet but yours is still a baby basically and 2 inches would be around 8-12 months ish or close to.

Nice fish btw :)

Thanks, thats really help full, can't wait till he is an adult lol :)

thanks again

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