L148 - any info ?!?


Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Derby, UK
Hi guys,

My LFS (Fins and Things) have just got a delivery of what they've called "L148 - Albino Rubbernose Plecs" in via. Columbia, as all Plecs that are coming out of Brazil are being stopped!!

Anyway, has anyone got any info on this Plec ?? (nothing on Planet Catfish)

They're selling them for £2.27 ea and they're about 1.5" long ;)
Planetcatfish is always the first place I'd go to anyways. Those Plecs stay small for a change too. :p
At that price, GET ONE! Very nice little plec :) Well worth having if you have the room :) Rubernose plecs dont get huge, and you rarely see albino ones imported into England from what i've seen, so at that price.... :p

Get three! These guys are awesome if you have excess algae :thumbs: They also look pretty cool, my normal one turned a goldish hue :dunno: :hyper:
Will pop in again today and see if they've got any left !! ;)

Didn'tr get any before now, 'cause I wanted to let them have a 'quarantine' period in the LFS after their trip from Columbia !! ;)

Only thing is that I've got quite soft water, and Planet Catfish says that they like moderaty hafrd water.

I reckon 2 or 3 would fit quite nicely in my 210-litre community tank :)
Good point !! ;)

Haven't had chance to pop in yet, and probably won't until Wednesday. Will see if they've got any left, as my algae is blooming without a good clean-up crew in there !!! ;)
did you get any Andy? i picked up 2 yesterday to tackle the alge problem in my red-eye tank after the temminiki vanished. these are a lot bigger and much more lively, and have done a great job overnight cleaning the glass
the name given on the cards was down as chaemostoma, spotted rubber pleco. the pic in that article is definitely what i picked up yesterday :(
£25?? blimey wheres a spare tank i can grow the other 15 that they have on in :D
2 days on and the glass in my tank is now spotless! they really are good algae eaters!!!

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