L134 Leopard Frog And L136A


Fish Crazy
Jan 3, 2009
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Hi guys

Looking at getting some plecs for my 180 litre community.

I've seen the L134 and L136a so am researching them.

I only want something small and understand both of these would be into the 9cm to 11cm'ish kind of bracket which is fine.

Would these get on (reasonably Ok) with my 2 BN's 3 Zebra loaches who are my other main bottom dwellers.

Could I get one of each or would it be best to get 2 of one or the other?

Is it possible to sex them at the juvenile size in the shops?

Any thoughts/advice/experiences much appreciated

i have 4 L134 at around 2.5" and an experienced breeder said they were to small to sex still so i doubt you could sex them in a shop
Hi guys

Looking at getting some plecs for my 180 litre community.

I've seen the L134 and L136a so am researching them.

I only want something small and understand both of these would be into the 9cm to 11cm'ish kind of bracket which is fine.

Would these get on (reasonably Ok) with my 2 BN's 3 Zebra loaches who are my other main bottom dwellers.

Could I get one of each or would it be best to get 2 of one or the other?

Is it possible to sex them at the juvenile size in the shops?

Any thoughts/advice/experiences much appreciated

Well your tank isn't that big so I'd stick with 2 of one or the other. But do realize that l134 along with similar l199 and l333 will most likely turn a yellowish of white color and won't stay black and white like a zebra.

The juvenile L134's i've seem are a sandy colour anywhere but still look lovely.

Isnt't the true Imperial Zebra Plec (l46) megga hard to get hold of and therefore megga expensive? I think one shop said they could get them but they'd be about £70 plus each?

The juvenile L134's i've seem are a sandy colour anywhere but still look lovely.

Isnt't the true Imperial Zebra Plec (l46) megga hard to get hold of and therefore megga expensive? I think one shop said they could get them but they'd be about £70 plus each?
Yep Imperials are for the most part still only imports so they are very expensive. 70 pounds would be cheap to be honest

The juvenile L134's i've seem are a sandy colour anywhere but still look lovely.

Isnt't the true Imperial Zebra Plec (l46) megga hard to get hold of and therefore megga expensive? I think one shop said they could get them but they'd be about £70 plus each?
Yep Imperials are for the most part still only imports so they are very expensive. 70 pounds would be cheap to be honest

???, L46's have been on the banned list for a few years now so majority wont be imports at all, the most that are around now are tank bred and the wilds that are imported are illegal or imported before the ban.

To the OP depending on size your LFS can get £70 is quite a good price :good:
Well yeah there is the ban but all the adult fish or breeders in my area are still original imports. Or you can find juveniles from breeders I haven't found any in between :/

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