I've had a trio of wild L129 for around a year I've just spotted a few fry in the back of a cave with Dad! Not sure how long they've been there but they're around 0.5 cm and no sign of egg sack, look perfectly formed. I've never breed plecs, or anything else for that matter (though just noticed my apisto bitaeniata is protecting fertalised eggs!) so was hoping someone would be able to give me any pointers...
Few questions I have first up...
Should I leave them in the cave with Dad? And if I should move them where should I move them to? I have another tank with the 2 apisto in, they're currently in a 260lt with 6 discus, 5 cory, 20 black neon tetra and a L128 7".
Should I be feeding anything else to usual? Saying this I've never seen the parents eat either! If so where would I put it, in the cave?
Will shining a light in to get a look at them upset them or Dad?
Thank in advance!!!
Pic is Mum!
Few questions I have first up...
Should I leave them in the cave with Dad? And if I should move them where should I move them to? I have another tank with the 2 apisto in, they're currently in a 260lt with 6 discus, 5 cory, 20 black neon tetra and a L128 7".
Should I be feeding anything else to usual? Saying this I've never seen the parents eat either! If so where would I put it, in the cave?
Will shining a light in to get a look at them upset them or Dad?
Thank in advance!!!
Pic is Mum!