L128 Blue Spotted Pleco

OMG What a beautiful little plec. :wub: :wub: :drool: He is sooo cute. I want one.
Ill definately be on the lookout for one for when I get my 100g. Then my huge common can move there, and I will need another lil guy for my 60.
Definitely in the same family as the L200, in fact they're so similar that there was speculation as to if they were the same fish. But I believe the L128 grows to about 8 inches if I'm not mistaken. They're somewhat larger than the L200.

Great fish,bunj :thumbs:
according to the admin at planetcatfish they grow to about 6.5".

They are almos deffinatly the same species of fish. They are found all the way up a certain stretch of the orinocco river in Venusuala. At one end they are a very bright "jade" green (hence the common name for the L200 is Jade Plec). At the other end of the river they are a turqoise/blue colour like mine and are labelled as L128s.


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