L046 Zebra Pleco Lonely?


New Member
Jan 2, 2009
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About 18 motnhs ago I bought a tiny juvenile zebra plec and it has thrived in my tank with various peaceful fish - however I keep reading they prefer to live in groups. Do you think a "teenage" zebra would accept a new juvenile in the tank (all I can afford - if I can even find one)?
I dont see why it wouldnt but it would be best to get 2-3 more so if it does the bullying will be spread out over a few not just 1. If your going to get a group i think it would be worth setting up a tank for them alone and trying breeding. I just wouldnt want to risk spending that much money to go and put them in a community if i was ever going to buy them i would want to have a go at breeding.
I dont see why it wouldnt but it would be best to get 2-3 more so if it does the bullying will be spread out over a few not just 1. If your going to get a group i think it would be worth setting up a tank for them alone and trying breeding. I just wouldnt want to risk spending that much money to go and put them in a community if i was ever going to buy them i would want to have a go at breeding.

Thanks for your quick response - I could quite easily swap the plec's tank mates into my main community tank and go for a Zebra plec tank in the hope they breed. I guess it comes down to the cost of buying a few youngsters versus status quo and a lonesome plec!

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