L034 Medusa Pleco


Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I was at my lf today they had a full grown one of these guys. I'm looking to get a fun pleco for my 55 gal. My tank is perfect for this fish. Lots of rock caves wood and sand good flow of water I think it would be happy in my tank.

But are these guys anything like the common BN? I love my female bn we is small but so active and not shy at all. Anyone know if the l034 is like this? I read they like a bit more meat in their diet.

So any first hand info on them would be cool.
Well no one seems to know anything about these guys. I found out that they are less active then most other bristle nose plecos. They are shy and like to hide out. They are pretty neat I want a pleco that i will get to see and enjoy so I am going to pass on this guy. What I really want is an L183, Starlight Bristlenose Catfish .
all pleco's get classed as shy, i know someone with a medusa and hers is out a fair amount, i wouldn't pass on it just because someone said they are shy
all pleco's get classed as shy, i know someone with a medusa and hers is out a fair amount, i wouldn't pass on it just because someone said they are shy

Yeh have to agree with scatz i had them in the past and i know others that still have them and they are pretty active and not really overly shy, on the otherhand the 183 are very shy fish and you wont see them half as much as the mudusa ;).

By the way 183 is a white seam, 182 is now classified as the starlights.
Humm I know every fish has different personality. So would you recomend this fish?

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