

don't be a twit
Feb 6, 2005
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Berkeley, CA, USA
ok, so i'm almost resolved to getting a couple of L-200s and upgrading my 5g to a... well, a larger tank.

depending on what i can find, i'm thinking i'll get either a 20g long or a 30g. can i keep 3 L-200s in either of these tanks? how 'bout just two of the plecs?

also, are there any good reasons not to keep plecs on a sand substrate? i think that getting some of the Tahitian Moon (black) would be extremely attractive with all the bright green.

last question: any plant recommendations? i've been thinking just java fern and some hornwort if i can find it. perhaps some amazon swords?


i just heard back from the guy (not the original Good Deal, but an Okay One). final price quote? $30 USD. that sounds pretty good to me... any comments?
they get to about 8" - so one in a 30 gal due to the small amount of space for hiding.
You could have 2 in a 30G as long as you dont plan on getting loads of other fish for the bottom area..

I've kept three L200's in a 30 gallon,on their own, for nearly two years now. They're fine and more than happy. If I recollect the max size they reach is 6" and they are extremely slow growers and not very territorial at all. I find them hanging out together all the time.
Here's their tank..

I think you'd be fine as long as you make sure everybody has an area of their own :) I had all three in a 50 by themselves for a few months and to be honest it was a waste of space because they really don't do much at all.
*sigh* i don't think i can do it after all... it sounds like a great plan in my head, but when it comes to pulling out the credit cards--i just can't quite justify it. expensive new tank, expensive new fish... :( !

maybe i'll reward myself with fancy plecos once i get to grad school. :/

thanks for all your help in the meantime.


yeeeeeeeeeee!! :hyper: :fun: :hyper: i caved! i finally found a new home for my common and so i bought the L-200s to go in my 60g!! :kana:

my boyfriend is going to kill me for spending that money! :look:
Nice one - Get some pics up - 60gal is loads better - you can have other fish in there to add activity and the landscaping will be loads of fun as the bogwood can be bigger (I love BIG bogwood - until i get it home and it wont go in the tank :whistle: )
oh, i've had the 60g for a while. the only reason i was even going to get another tank is that the 60 is technically fully-stocked (list in my profile.). but since i can rehome the common from it, i can get the L-200s in there now.

:rolleyes: of course, now i'm full again.

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