Kulli Loach

jimi priest

Fish Fanatic
Mar 28, 2008
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so i saw one in a store and wanted him so first some questions can he go in a community with a bkg and a striped peacock eel ( both a bit over 4 inches ) kulli loach is about 2 and seems very active second ( because im getting him regardless ( i have others thanks) is what should i feed something that small and will it be hard to get eating
they eat any pellets etc that sink to the bottom basically feed what you woulkd feed corys. they are good eaters.
Trouble with the kuhli loach is once you get him in the tank,you aint getting him out! Last time i had a pair they spent most of the time out of view -feeding at night only-As soon as the lights came on in the morning they shot off under some slate. I did really like them,their faces reminded me of small dogs-god know why! They ate scraps of food and werent bothered by catfish and other fish but i couldnt comment on your eel.
Trouble with the kuhli loach is once you get him in the tank,you aint getting him out! Last time i had a pair they spent most of the time out of view -feeding at night only-As soon as the lights came on in the morning they shot off under some slate. I did really like them,their faces reminded me of small dogs-god know why! They ate scraps of food and werent bothered by catfish and other fish but i couldnt comment on your eel.

they will do this for a couple of months but they settle down i had 2 and they were totally nocturnal but now they are out all day going about for food!
I had mine for over a year-maybe they werent happy with my set up-right little sods to catch!!!!!!!
khulis are happier with a few or more of their own kind & make sure they do have enough hiding places and sounds daft but you will see more of them then - if they feel secure in their home.
as well as catfish tablets of all sorts khulis LOVE bloodworm,brineshrimp,mosquito larvae & all other sort of beastie treats you can buy in the frozen packs - i just chop it up a bit with some small scissors first.
great fish!
yeah i picked up a pair a bit ago and have stuck them in there and the whole tank is only active under the lunar light anyway so its fine there nocturnal and they seem so fallow my eel around alot ( sometimes the eel minds sometimes he doesnt hes so picky sometimes but jsut burys himself when hes had enough( just so they cna rest ontop of him)
I unfortunatly have a single khhulie loach in my 240.
Long story- all the rest I bought with him (and all but one of the rainbows I got from the same shop) died from some obscure ?bacterial complaint and I haven't been able to find any healthy looking khuulies since; there's always at least one dead one being nibbled when I go to the shops.
Anyway, he does not actually appear very timid; he comes out and feeds during the day and has grown quite fat. Plenty of hiding places help no doubt. I'd love to get him some companions, but I'm holding fire for the time being; don't want another tank disaster.

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