Kuil Loach


Fish Herder
Oct 31, 2005
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did a massive clean up and changed the tank around alot today..

bought a kuli loach bit of a inpulse buy about 6 months ago and watched it for all of 3 seconds and never seen it again till 2 day....

what do they eat to try and force them out???
did a massive clean up and changed the tank around alot today..

bought a kuli loach bit of a inpulse buy about 6 months ago and watched it for all of 3 seconds and never seen it again till 2 day....

what do they eat to try and force them out???

Kuhli/Coolie loaches are very shy fish they tend to keep under rocks and in caves IMO it's best to buy more than one of these fish try and get several and when you turn off our lights at night or add a blue bulb to your aquarium you'll find that they all stay together in there favorate places,

Feeding these fish isn't a problem they will take all kinds of foods but usually thrive on a variaty of flake, frozen and live foods such as bloodworm and tubifexare very good for these fish. Catfish pellets and tablets are also good for them.
You definately need to keep them in groups if you want to see them. The bigger the group, the better. I have heard of some people having them in groups and they still never saw them.
cool i did buy 3 of them only seen 2 of them thou...
Mine eat anything, flakes, bloodworms, lancefish, cucumber... A good teqnique is to give them a way of hiding in plain sight, that is, give them a hiding place you san see them from. I've found plastic pygmy chain sword works very well :)
Another reason why you may not see them as much is because they also like to bury themselfs under the gravel or sand and will stay there even if you empty all the water out of your tank.
I agree with Oohfeeshy about giving the a hiding place that is in plain sight ang alot of times that is having one sde of the hiding place being a piece of glass. For example you could make a cocunut hut cut in half and put the side you cut next to the glass.

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