

Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
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New Jersey, USA
Iv'e seen pictures of kuhli loaches that don't look like mine... I'm pretty sure I got Kuhlis though. How do you attach a picture, cause I got one of both of them.
you can't add a picture directly in this forum.
you can host it elsewhere and then paste the IMG tags into you post
that way the image will be seen.

I use photobucket (100% free) but there are plenty of others out there
Khulis have a lot of variant in markings, if they're wormy and yellow and black, they're 99% gonna be khulis. None of mine look like other peoples khulis, I'm assuming mine are subspecies, theres enough of them :dunno:
They look like pretty normal kuhli loaches to me. There's a lot of different color patterns on kuhli loaches that I don't think people realize are avaliable.
there are about 6 or 7 species that are all called khuli loaches. fortunately, there aren't too many significant differences between the many species--they all stay under 6" long, they all burrow in the substrate, and they all hang out together.

i think khuli loaches are just the cutest things ever; i can't wait until i can have a tank with them again. :thumbs:
Yeah I had one a while back. He lived even after I neglected my tank. I fixed up the tank and he lived a couple months more. :rip:
lol! guess what? my khuli loach is alive!!! :hyper: :lol:

about 6 months back i decided that he must have perished because i hadn't seen him in just ages and ages. however, today i had to perform an emergency tear-down of my puffer tank :X and when i was removing the giant rock, there he was in all his wormy glory!

i've removed him to my 10g fry tank, where he will eventually live with a buddy or two and my betta. :D just as soon as i can get out of the guppy bidness :sly: (stupid fecund fishies...)
Kuhlis are like that. I had to completely tear apart my 10g to make sure all 5 of mine were still there. :p
Yeah I found one of mine under a rock. :blink: He must have dug in from the side, because there's no other explanation. I have a mix of 2mm and 3mm gravel so they can dig without being trapped.

They are tricky, gotta always make sure they're still in there!
You ave some issues though in your other tank stocking, bumblebee catfish is a very vague name you need to find out wether it is a bumblebee goby, cory or plec although its more likely you have a bumblebee goby- these fish are actually brackish fish and are difficult to feed and won't last long in a freshwater setup.
Chinese algae eaters get very terotorial as they grow and certainly don't like each other and one will eventualy turn on and kill the other- they are not good community fish due to their increasing agressiveness towards other fish as they grow and despite being primarily vegetarians they will suck the eyes and slime coats off other fish and anything else they can get a grip on- they also grow to 10inchs+ long.
I had a serious algae problem so the pet store reccomended the chinese... i have a 2 1/2 inch golden and a 1 1/2 inch regular. I cant just get rid of them though. The gray one is not at all aggresive, but the bigger one has issues.

And the Bumblebee's are some of the nicest fish in my tank. I got 2 a few weeks after I establishes my tank, and then got another one a few months ago. The older ones are probably 1-2 years old. No aggression whatsoever. I mean they are bigger, so the fish all scamper when they come out. I think one might be a subspecies, he's only like an inch and a half(even though I bought him with the second biggest one, like 3 inches) The newest one is the biggest, prbably like 3 1/2 inches. I can catch him and take some pictures, I guess. They're always under the log or rocks, but once I turn the fishtank light on, they're out in like 5 minutes :dunno:

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