Kuhlie Loaches.


Apr 30, 2009
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Hi. I was wondering about kuhlie loaches, their care and If I could have some in my tank.

My tank:
38 gal-
2 platys
1 dwarf gourami
2 guppies.

Will eventually have:
4 platys
1 dwarf gourami
4 guppies.

You can easily have kuhlis in there, i suggest at least 10 in a tank that size and a sand substrate is very much prefered.

Kuhlis are extreamly easy to care for as long as you have sand and get a good algae wffer food for them, mine are fed every other day and sometimes less, they spend their days rummaging in the sand and wriggling in plants, generally being quite comical lol

they are a great little fish.
Any ideas for sand that can be bought cheaply? Would something like play sand be OK?
Couldn't agree with ForestPices any more.
I LOVE my Kuhlis to pieces. I don't make any special effort to feed them, yet they're growing well and always active.

Play sand would be fine. Just make sure you give it a really really good wash before you put it in as it tends to be dustier than the more expensive 'aquarium sand'.
khulis also love lots of little hidey holes - caves & crevices to hide in - the more places they have to hide the more often you will actually see them out & about as they feel safe. be careful with filter inlet or outles as anywhere they can squeeze into they will. i made a khuli apartment block by gluing with aquarium sealant 5 small pieces of plumbers pipe approx 1 inch diameter 4inches long in a little stack - our khulis love hanging out in them. i glues aquarium sand over it so it blends in more. they also love loads of plants to hide in as well
feeding they love bloodworm,tubifex, brine shrimp, mosquito larvae all sorts of beasties as well as flake, algae & catfish tablets. make sure your tank has a good fitting lid as they can jump as well- we sadly lost one this way who took a jump out in a small gap in our tank glass top. they are also sensitive to lots of medications as are most loaches so always check before you add anything, they also HATE melafix & pimafix ( they will swim around frantically almost lkike they are trying to get out) so do not use it in your khuli tank. they are fantastic fish we love ours.
Right, I'll be on the lookout for on-sale playsand. :good: I saw a pic of them, and they looked like cool fish. Also, got 5 new fish, 3 platies, 2 guppies. It was sorta impulsive, but I had room, so.

ANy other reccomendations for fish?
i brought a khulu loach lateley and theyre great!, my tanks been loads cleaner since i had him!, you could fit loads in ur tank!, they like sand but are ok with gravel that isnt sharp, they like hiding places so give them plenty of plants or caves to hide in,i reccommend getting them tho cos theyre awesome
have 2 at the moment and they are constantly out and about never hiding!
cant wait to get some more

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