Hi, I'm interested in breeding my black kuhlie loaches. I currently have 6 in my 29g, 3 original ones and 3 offspring. They bred when I had an undergravel filter installed on the tank and haven't bred since I switched to sand, although they've been MUCH more active. Before, I'd see one occasionaly. Now, I ALWAYS see at least one, I usually see at least 3. The offspring have grown fast, I found them about a month ago, and they were about 1" long, now their almost 2 inches. On the adults, I can tell that the females are much longer than the males, and I have 2 females and one male. What I want to know is the ideal conditions for breeding. I have a spare 10g and I was going to start them in there (cycled, of course). Should I put all 6 in there or just the 3 adults? I think it would be best if I used gravel w/ an undergravel filter, because that's how they bred before. Temperature will probably be kept at 78*F, that is what it is in the 29g. I'd put a rock in there and some moss balls for hiding. Does all that sound okay? Where do they lay eggs? On plants? If/when they do, should I move them to another tank? I am planning on moving the babies to a 5g, if there is not a lot. If there's a lot, then I'll get another 10g. Does all of this sound okay? Looking forward to replies,
EDIT: Also, I may get some normal kuhlies. Would it be okay to put them in with the black kuhlies in the 10g to breed as well? Could they breed together? What would be the result?
EDIT: Also, I may get some normal kuhlies. Would it be okay to put them in with the black kuhlies in the 10g to breed as well? Could they breed together? What would be the result?