It is amazing how often LFS try to blind us with misinformation on suitable size tanks for different fish and what fish are compatable with others. I was very fortunate that I found this forum and others last year before my obsession began and I love finding a new fish at my LFS to read up about its needs when I get home... Hence I have four tanks within nine months of starting the hobby!
What dimensions is your newly discovered 12g tank?
If it is 60cm long, then there is no reason why you could not up your group of C. trilineatus to six, with the temp set at 22C (which would be fine incidentally for your tetra, after reading more this this morning).
Since posting this morning, I have come across some more info on Blind Cave Tetra which does indeed suggest they are social,
/www.tropicalf...shType=tropical. Everything I've read about these fish so far suggests a 3-foot tank is the absolute minimum
Have you scoured Ebay, Aquarist Classified or even Freecycle for cheap or even free tanks local to you? You might be surprised how many tanks are advertised, for example I got my 5-footer for £51 last summer.