Kuhli Loaches

Ty, I appreciate this post alot. I now have an idea of what to do for the loach. I use to own one it lasted for a good 7 years, it was at least 6 inches long, it's color started to fade before it died and it would always hide in the boat that I have in my aquarium. But no stores are around that are selling it " so I'm a little disapointed ".. Ty again I appreciate this post about the khuli loaches! :thumbs:
You are very welcome AL. I will try and write a few more articles concerning various other fish, just for interest. I need to get Will's approval first as I shouldn't be posting articles in here. Unfortunately this this the only place I can link it to a piccy.
Thanks for the vote of confidence.
Thanks for the information! I've always had a soft spot for kuhli loaches and would like to have some one day. This info will be helpful for the planning. :)

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