Fish Fanatic
Is anyone have any experience with Kuhli loaches? Am looking to add some to the tank. LFS has some in, but have a sign on the tank that says "no warranty". Was a little leary. Are they that fragile or what?
Do they eat snails? Not that I've ever seen any on sale, but I'm looking for small snail eaters, and the only loaches I ever see are clown loaches (given that CAEs are not loaches and should be called Chinese Everything-in-your-tank-except-an-oscar Eaters).Dragonslair said:kissfish. if you want to know more about Khulies, PM me with your e-mail address and I wil send you more info. Khilies are not algae eaters, they are carnivores and should be treated as you would treat any Botia species.
Graeme, I know it sounds wierd but 2 Dojo loaches that were about 4-5" apiece terrorized my tank for 3 days...It was when I first got my tank and said wow these guys are cute...(my tank was way overstoked already but I thought it would be cool) first they ate my male molly...(thought it was my bichir)...then they ate my Bamboo Shrimp! Started to think it was them but was still sure it was my Bichir. Then I found my Angel fish with a suck mark right by his gill in the shape of the Dojo's mouth. I've read up and talked to peeps and it seems like every other story starts "i started noticing nipped fins..." ok Im done nowGraeme said:My other reply must of been miss-understated? No Loaches is a Algae eater and the Dojo loach will not do what you stated Braddah! Wrong fish! The sucking loach is in other topic's here (not a nice fish).
OH MY GOD OH HOLLY nut SACK! OMFG... Are you kidding me, They're DEMONIC Little CREATURES? I just bought one for my 160 gallon tank, and I haven't seen him very MUCH, but I've noticed my baby population go down quite a BIT, OMFG!!!!!!!!!Braddah said:Greame-that sucking it a "Dojo Loach"??? I bought 2 a while ago and had to return them in a 3 days....they ate my bamboo shrimp, my male molly and sucked my angel....the angel ended up dying a coulpe days later....