Kuhli Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Apr 2, 2011
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So I saw a kuhli loach the other day at LFS and gonna research on them first before getting it.
So what do I need to know?
Tank size, feeding, behavior etc etc.
I'm open for suggestions!
Keep 6+, preferably 10+, in a 3+ft tank with sand substrate, need meaty/omnivorous sinking foods at night. Can jump, so tight cover glass is good. Must have lots of hiding places.
Keep 6+, preferably 10+, in a 3+ft tank with sand substrate, need meaty/omnivorous sinking foods at night. Can jump, so tight cover glass is good. Must have lots of hiding places.

3 feet tank? They need alot of swimming space? O:
What are compatible tankmates?
They don't need swimming space as such, but they will dart around the tank quite a bit, if they are happy. I am basing the recommendation on my housemate's tanks from a few years ago.

Compatible tank mates would be tetras, rasboras, peaceful dwarf cichlids, gouramis, and other peaceful community fish. I'd probably go for an Asian themed tank, if I was to keep them: 10-15 khulis, 15-20 rasboras of one species and 1m 3-5f honey gouramis.
Are they seasonal? My dealer can't get any at present as neither of his two wholesalers can get them. He hasn't had any for ages.
Hi I have a group of four who happily live along side my Dwarf Puffers! Sand is a must as they love to make pretty patterns in it :lol: and mine eat whatever food I put in for the DP's but I supplement them with a bit of flake food or half a sinking pellet a week.
Brilliant little fish imo who dive around the tank at about 100 mph! Oh I forgot, tank is 147 litres!

Lisa x

ps saw some in my LFS on the last two visits/

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