Kuhli Loaches


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
i currently have a smallish tank cycling and am hoping to be able to get a nice blue or red betta splendens and some kuhli loaches to put in it.
i know the loaches need like a 20 inch tank but this one is 16 inch long. is this still likely to be okay with the right decor?
i was hoping to make a few caves out of rocks and cover them in java moss. i have a nice peice of wood and was gonna stick some java ferns in the opposite end to the caves.

we have asmall tank (26l about 25cm length) that has a betta & 2 khulis who live quite happily together. i think its important to make sure that the khulis have loads of hidey holes so they feel secure, our little tank has loads of real plants & rock caves in it. but we still see the khulis come out quite often especially if theres bloodworm on the go!!!

actually one of the khulis is out & about at the moment having a swim
heres a pic - not brilliant as the lightings rubbish & bert the betta looks like a dark blob when hes actually a brilliant blue colour, the khuli & bert are both in the left of the tank at the front. the khuli is next to the thermometer.

the lights are just little 30w bulbs ( one came with the tank & we bought another kit separate - i think theyre made by arcadia & theyve been fixed to the tank lid) that we want to replace with some sort of tubes but havent got round to it yet, the plants seem to do well enough though its gone jungly mad in there, i use regular plant root tablets & flourish excel fertilizer. we also need to sort the lid out its got a piece of perspex to over the top to stop condensation on the lights & escapees at the mo but needs to be trimmed to size.

i found it really hard to pick a colour when we got the betta theres so many but im glad i ended up with bert hes a gorgeous blue & has streaks of dark red on his lower fins too - theyre great little fish real characters.



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