Kuhli Loaches


Fish Crazy
Jun 15, 2005
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r they hard 2 look after.
iv heard they like 2 get into unwanted places like the filter, do they really end up in strange places?
any other info from experience would be great thanks :good:
I inherited 6 off a fellow forum member. I've had them in three different tanks. They are really hardy I think. I had them in my 240 litre heavily planted and only ever saw one at once and often none at all. They get into the most amazing places, filter, behind and under the background etc. but they always find a way out.

I now have them in an 80 litre less heavily planted which is on a worktop in the kitchen and you can see all the way round it. In this tank they are nearly always visible and very active. Totally different to paling into the background in the 240. Keep them in a decent size group (6 plus). They are real characters with really cute cartoon character like faces. They add something different as they have a really unusual bodyshape.

Apparently they can also live for over ten years.

Well recommended.
thanks. they seem like a really interesting fish to keep but its only the possible thought of them getting out the tank that puts me off, i wouldnt like them 2 jump out at night and lose them that way
Regular kuhlie loaches (as opposed to black or panda kuhlies) are nocturnal and sometimes it's tough to get enough food to them. I have black kuhlies which are supposedly more active. My group of 6 is always swimming around in my 29g. When mine bred, I found the babies in the undergravel filter when I switched to sand. Make sure you give them plenty of hiding spaces. Also, at night, about an hour after lights out, try to drop some food for them. I use Hikari sinking pellets, there's a picture of a cory on the front.

IME they don't really jump - they slither! When I was aclimating them I opened the bag and folded it over, the top of the bag was about an inch above the water in the bag, and they got out. ALL of them! :D
Khuli's are go cute, but they get into the most awkward places you can ever think of, whether it be an external filter (swimming through the grid tube thing which sucks up the water, and ending up in the canister lol), in ornaments, under the sand (yes, they do burrow themselves under the sand if they feel like it)...

They are an active fish and will always be up to something...
i had a bunch sometime ago and once i released them into the tank, that was probably i last i saw of them. just make sure they arent able to get into your filter. they wont jump though.
i would be puttin them into a juwel rekord 60 and if u know what the tank is like u will know they have holes in the hood for the wires 2 fit through and i think thats the only reason i would be put off, unless they could go in my shrimp tank, but im breeding the shrimp so would the loaches wipe them all out?
I'm not sure, my kuhlie loaches don't eat platy fry, but shrimps are probably a lot smaller... I don't know.
well the shrimp r about an inch and the babies..............well lets put it this way...........imagine not the eye but the tip of a needle and thats very close
Yeah, I had a feeling they were that small. Maybe you should wait until they're larger. I keep my kuhlie loaches with 2 amano shrimp and one cherry shrimp and the kuhlies pay no attention to them. I don't think they would hunt out the baby shrimp, but if it was digging in the wand and happened to find one, I doubt it would spit it back out. :unsure:
lol fair enough il have a think about it, i really want to get them but its the escaping thats annoying
after reading they got out of a bag which they had 2 crawl 1" out of water 2 escape i have my doubts.

o and n3ont3tra is ur pic ment 2 look like a face, lol i keep seeing it
after reading they got out of a bag which they had 2 crawl 1" out of water 2 escape i have my doubts.

o and n3ont3tra is ur pic ment 2 look like a face, lol i keep seeing it

If they are relaxed then I' wouldn't worry. If you're chasing them around the tank with a net, they'll be stressed and more likely to jump/slither.

Oh, and it's not supposed to be a face. But i can see how you thought that. xD
o right so i suppose its like shrimp really, if they dont like something about the water they will get out.
i wana get them because they just look interesting so il let u all know if i get em.
according 2 my sister they ugly because they look like worms

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