Kuhli Loaches


Fish Crazy
Aug 2, 2004
Reaction score
Hampton Bays, NY (Good Ground)
Well it looks like the tank has settled down to 2 black kuhlis and 3 regular kuhlis. One of the black kuhlis periodically goes into almost a seizure and then settles back down again. He shakes and twitches, races around and then stops. I've checked for ick and anything else but he looks okay. Eats good and socializes with the others. Any ideas????

One of the regular kuhlis has gone from a dark banded kuhli to one with light brown bands and more of an orange body. It too is active and eats well. I've just never run into one this color. The bands are still there but he just has this orange cast to him. Again any ideas?
black kuhlies are far more active that "std2 kuhlies.
As for the "std" one developing orange bands,
dependant on the actual species of kuhlie you have,
it is normal.
post a pic and I'll try and tell you exactly what species of kuhlie you have.
There are two like this...
This one is the one which lightened up and turned more orange... then changed back

one like this

Sorry for the bad shots. There's very little light in the tank and the water is brown from the almond leaf
looks very much like Myer's Loach Pangio myersi
AKA Myer's slimy Loach or giant kuhlie loach
I alternate but they seem to love these the best. It's by Life Science Systems and is called
"Bio Blend" for bottom feeders. Put out by Marine Labs. Blended for "high energy", natural color, growth, palatability, digestibilty, etc. The snails love it too. The snails and loaches fight over it.

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