Kuhli loaches hunting?


Fish Crazy
Jan 13, 2005
Reaction score
Poznan, Poland

Will Kuhli loaches hunt down baby fry (Ram or Cockatoo fry)?

Im guessing they wont go chasing after fish to eat them right?

wot are ur thoughts
Nope, khuli loachs don't eat fry. You have about much chance of them hunting, killing and eating a fry as a panda cory i.e none!
U wanna bet. My money is on that they will! :nod: They prey on insects and worms, why not fry? Of course once they are big ebough, no, the kuhlis will be way too small, but at the smaller stages sure, i think the kuhlis will have a rife old feast! :D
Hmm, i dunno about that because i have khuli loachs in my main tank with most of my adult livebearers and i still end up with large quantitys of fry...Didn't know khuli's hunted, i thought they were scavengers; mine just eat catfish pelets and algae wafers all day.
Actually, I'd tend to agree with Mr Miagi on this one, Kuhlii loaches will eat live food and will go out of their way to get it. Just as an example in the last half hour, we fed one of our tanks which houses 3 kuhliis, 4 choc gouramis, rtbs, 2 male guppys, 3 panda corys, 2 bumblebee gobys and a bn. I'd have to say the largest Khulii was easily one of the most aggressive in getting the blood worms. Went totally out of his way. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
This is our most mature tank, very stable and all of the fish even the most tempremental of the fish (goby and gourami) are all likely to have a go, have lots of fun etc. The loaches are incredibly happy, we see them alot. We have lost fry in that tank, not when we had gobys. Guppys may have been to blame but wouldn't be surprising if the loaches were just as responsible. And don't give me it was the RTBS either - he is juvi still, and very happy in his log, only aggressive in shoving fishies out of his home. :D
I use to have a trio of yoyo loaches who loved to feast on any kind of fry that was in the tank, I cant see it being any different for the Kuhlii's...

I even kept mine well fed and they still ate whatever they could find.

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