Sorry, this had slipped down the page. I saw another thread on Kuhli's and remembered this.
That picture seems to show the slime coat sloughing off. This frequently happens when scaleless fish are moved. It is usually a reaction to a change in water quality or chemistry.
If you bought them locally, they should have the same water conditions where they were housed before, worth checking, but it is likely. So probably not the reason.
Water quality, well, only you know that. If your water is polluted, (ammonia, nitrite or higher nitrates), then you will see this. This, if bad enough, will kill the fish.
Another common pollutant encountered is salt. If there is salt in the water, scaleless fish slough their old coats and grow newer larger ones to try to protect themselves from it. Invariably this fails as the salt has already disturbed their osmoregulation and they die shortly after.
Do any of these things sound possible?