Kuhli Loach


Fish Crazy
Jan 1, 2012
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I noticed my Kuhli Loach floating at the top, and it was heart-breaking to see that he was up there. :-( But when I went to scoop him out, he went crazy and shot down to the bottom of the tank. He did it again later, and I am now confused. Is this normal behavior? Or is it caused by not enough oxygen, new fish around, or a medicine I am using currently?
I noticed my Kuhli Loach floating at the top, and it was heart-breaking to see that he was up there. :-( But when I went to scoop him out, he went crazy and shot down to the bottom of the tank. He did it again later, and I am now confused. Is this normal behavior? Or is it caused by not enough oxygen, new fish around, or a medicine I am using currently?

What medicine and what are you treating please? Tank stats help too. Is there any way you can increase surface rippling? Got a bubbler or something?

It is heartbreaking :-(
What medicine and what are you treating please? Tank stats help too. Is there any way you can increase surface rippling? Got a bubbler or something?

It is heartbreaking :-(
I'll see if I can get a bubbler. I'm using API Pimafix for one of my platies. It claims it is all natural. Unfortunately, I don't have an ammonia or nitrate tester yet. -_- But I do have a PH tester if that will help
What medicine and what are you treating please? Tank stats help too. Is there any way you can increase surface rippling? Got a bubbler or something?

It is heartbreaking :-(
I'll see if I can get a bubbler. I'm using API Pimafix for one of my platies. It claims it is all natural. Unfortunately, I don't have an ammonia or nitrate tester yet. -_- But I do have a PH tester if that will help

What kind of filter do you have? You could just adjust the outflow so it ripples the surface more. Are there live plants?
Do a big water change, and get a good liquid testing kit ASAP. Don't get strips, they aren't accurate.

Good luck!
Well, he's actually stopped doing it, so never mind. I left the light on a bit too long for him I think! (a couple of minutes :/) But I'll make sure to get those too!

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