Kuhli Loach


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2012
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help needed please
on Saturday I brought a kuhli loach it was the last one in the shop, then on Sunday I got 6 striped kuhli yesterday I found one dead then later one was swimming like crazy around the tank this morning it was dead, is something wrong in my tank/

in the 3ft 3" tank I have 4 dwarf gourmis
2 bamboo shrimps
4 neon tetras
5 glowlight tetras
8 baby guppies
3 platies
4 swordtails
3 amano shrimps
some of the baby guppies are going to be rehomed when bigger
I do a third water change every week on testing the water at the lps they said it was perfect no amonia or nitrite and everything else was ok
any advise is welcome
Kuhli loaches are notorious for not shipping well. I highly doubt that these deaths were any fault of yours or your tank. It's just one of those things that happens.

The best advice I can give is to wait until a store has had their kuhlis for at least two weeks. You can be relatively certain at that point that they survived the importing.
Kuhli loaches are notorious for not shipping well. I highly doubt that these deaths were any fault of yours or your tank. It's just one of those things that happens.

The best advice I can give is to wait until a store has had their kuhlis for at least two weeks. You can be relatively certain at that point that they survived the importing.
thanks I don't know how long they had had them, I would like more so will wait another week or so before getting them

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