Kuhli Loach


Fish Crazy
Jul 31, 2006
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Hey...i got some kuhli loaches in which i placed in with my betta in a 15gallon tank...I will soon get some corydoras in with both my betta and kuhli loaches...Is it nesessary to put some kind of airtsone/bubble disc in there with them??? Thanks for any replies.
No, so long as there is adequate surface agitation from the filter, they should be fine.
Oh ok....Im using an aquaclear 20 for my 15 gallon btw...And the kuhli loaches which were i think juveniles about 5cm long and thinner than a pencil were being harrassed by the betta....Do corydors do fine with them??? And can i put the male betta back in the 15 gallon after the kuhli loaches have grown to adult sizes??? thanks again.
Cories will be fine with them. The Betta may or may not leave them alone after things have settled down. I have a male Betta in with my Kuhlis and other than feeding time, usually ignores them. Sometimes it doesn't work though so if it continue to harass them, then you'll want to remove him.
Both Kuhli's and cory's will appreciate it if you have a sand substrate :good: i dont know what you have, but gravel can harm their barbels near the mouth.
Ok Thanks...I have decided to be on the safe side and placed my betta in another 1gallon tank...I will put him back in with into the 15gallon once the kuhli's have grown a bit bigger and everything in terms of decor etc is fixed...I will also add more kuhli loaches so there is about 6 and another 6 corydoras overtime...btw, i have gravel but its those round gravels with no sharp edges....

P.S. If i decide to keep the betta permanately in the 1gallon, is there any other interesting fish that would work well with my loaches and possibly corydoras???

Thanks again :)....
Some kind of tetras would look nice, something that contrasts from the other fish, like neons, but everybody and their friend has them, so maybe you'd want something different.

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