Kuhli Loach


Fish Fanatic
Jul 13, 2006
Reaction score
Hants, UK

I have 4 kuhli's in QT. They have been there for nearly a month now and i thought they were just as I expected- I rarely saw them during the day and then when i put the lights out and fed them they came out.

But suddenly one of them has turned extrovert and is out during the day patrolling one of the tank sides and 'riding' the bubbles from the air stone, it then stops, pants a little, seems to calm down and does it again! Is this a sign of something wrong or is it just playing and comfortable in its surroundings?

TIA :lol:
Perfectly normal.

This kind of extravert behavior is more common when there are no big/threatening fishes around and the kuhlis feel totally safe; even then not every kuhli would do this.

I had a female P.Myersi who even liked to swim in the powerhead current.
(She is still here, but too gravid to enjoy swimming :cry: )
Most loaches like weathers, dojos, and kuhlis do that. Normal, and shows that they feel comfortable. I've had many different fish do that all day long :p
Some will also do it when there's a storm approaching. I have a kuhli specialty tank with about 18 in it and there's only one or two that will ride the current. The rest are busy around the bottom of the tank or peeking out from under something.
I agree...
Perfectly normal, i had 4 KL in my 4 ft tank, and 2 of them were forever doing laps around either end of the tank. One would do laps on the front panel of the glass, and the other would do laps on the back up the other end, it was amazing to watch as when i brought these fish i were told they were scavenges and i would barley ever get to see them.... i guess that person was confused with another fish :)

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