Kuhli Loach and sand

A Fishkeeper

New Member
Feb 12, 2021
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I have sand substrate in my 20 gallon tank. The back is planted and it also has ornaments which make it difficult to fully mix up the sand during partial water changes.

Will a group of 6 Kuhli loaches keep the sand aerated in those hard to reach areas?
While it would be great if we could get a fish to do all the odd chores... if I were going to guess I would say they will likely hang out more where you already fluffed up the gravel, or do part of what you were hoping they would do, leaving some areas to get nasty...

I literally have 5 different gravel suckers... maybe a "special" smaller one could be fabricated up to do those small or tight areas???
While it would be great if we could get a fish to do all the odd chores... if I were going to guess I would say they will likely hang out more where you already fluffed up the gravel, or do part of what you were hoping they would do, leaving some areas to get nasty...

I literally have 5 different gravel suckers... maybe a "special" smaller one could be fabricated up to do those small or tight areas???
It’s a sand substrate I have and I use the end of a a glass cleaning stick to stir it up. But I’m always nervous of messing with the live plants roots and to move the decorations weekly stresses the fish. I just thought if there was a fish I could enjoy that also helped in those areas then it would be a win win. But I don’t want to get them and find they add to the problem and make it even harder for me to clean these places.
It’s a sand substrate I have and I use the end of a a glass cleaning stick to stir it up. But I’m always nervous of messing with the live plants roots and to move the decorations weekly stresses the fish. I just thought if there was a fish I could enjoy that also helped in those areas then it would be a win win. But I don’t want to get them and find they add to the problem and make it even harder for me to clean these places.
I’m not expecting them to clean the sand just move it around from below the surface.
Sand normally does not need stirring. Provided it is not too deep, say up to 2 inches. Some "dead" spots are normal and part of a healthy substrate. Fish will move sand around some, and plant roots if planted in the substrate provide oxygen. Snails help too. Anaerobic spots especially under chunks of wood or rock are OK, but leave them alone.
Thanks for the info. Some bits of my sand are slightly deeper than 2 inches but I can get to most of these bits. It’s the bits under the wood and ornaments I’m most concerned about but they are surrounded by live plants that are rooted in the sand so I guess they are doing the job for me. I just get these moments of fear thinking I’m missing something bad and it’s going to cause harm to my fish.
They will turn the sand to some degree. The more the merrier. They’re a much smaller bioload than their length would suggest. :)
That was something I also read in my research and was another thing that made them appealing. I did have a bristlenose but he produced an awful lot of waste.

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