Kubotais Are Bleaching Out


New Member
Mar 24, 2008
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I have a 55 gall with 1 dwarf and 7 pearl gouramis, 3 dojos, 3-5 kuhlis (I swear they've had a tyke or two recently!) and HAD about 9 botia kubotais. The kubbies have been looking paler lately (about a month) and have taken to staying in their caves quite a lot more than they used to so I don't see them so much. When I try to count them the most I can come up with is maybe 5 or so. Have never seen dead ones, so maybe they just don't come out at the same times. But what would cause the paleness? Water quality is good, changes are regular (at least 1x/week, ~20-30%.) I have added Bausman's Tonic recently. They seemed to really love it - they would do their little dances and play. I think this is when the kuhlis had babies, too. But am wondering if this is the cause? Have tried NOT adding it at water change time but they stay bleached out regardless. Bausman's contains: methithionine cloride, acetylsalicylic acid, sodium chloride, sodium potassium bromide, magnesium carbonate, tri-calcium phosphates. It says it's a tonic for well fish and a remedy for sick fish. It kills hydra. "Safe for plants and fish, discus and catfish safe." You add twice as much/gall for ich, fungus as for well tanks which get 1 tsp/gal every other week.

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance,
The kubbies have been looking paler lately (about a month) and have taken to staying in their caves quite a lot more than they used to so I don't see them so much. When I try to count them the most I can come up with is maybe 5 or so. Have never seen dead ones, so maybe they just don't come out at the same times. But what would cause the paleness?

Hi, I noticed that my kubotai went pale a few months back and I narrowed this down to an internal parasitic infection. In my experience they responded well to Interpet No.9 (using standard doseage).
Have you noticed any flicking or rubbing?
I read elsewhere when I was researching the problem with my fish that botia get stressed fairly easily in certain circumstances.

Also, how long after you got them did they start showing a paler colour?
Are you aware that their colour can change (to a degree) depending on the colour of the substrate/lvel of lighting used?

I have added Bausman's Tonic recently.
Any thoughts?

I'm not familiar with this, so can't comment.
>Hi, I noticed that my kubotai went pale a few months back and I narrowed this down to an internal parasitic infection. In my experience they >responded well to Interpet No.9 (using standard doseage).

I haven't seen this in the US but will research what might be similar. I have anti-parasite medicated food with praziquantel. Says feed only this food for 3 consectutive days for 4 weeks. I guess it won't hurt everyone else?

>Have you noticed any flicking or rubbing?

No, but then I don't see them out so much anymore.

> botia get stressed fairly easily in certain circumstances.
>Also, how long after you got them did they start showing a paler colour?
>Are you aware that their colour can change (to a degree) depending on the colour of the substrate/lvel of lighting used?

I don't think anything has changed much to get them freaked out. They were pretty happy little busybodies for several months. I've had them since maybe Nov/Dec, so let's say I've had them for 4 months. The bleaching out started maybe a month ago. I did add a couple of small pearl gouramis around that time but they'd been in QT for 2 weeks. One of them recently had a small bump only on it's left side that I posted about in the gourami forum but haven't got much of a response. No pix. Never could get it to swim in the right direction when I had a camera handy! The pimple or tumor or whatever it was, has now resolved though. I think the botias paling out started before then, but am not sure.

No, I didn't know botias changed color. You mean sort camoflage-like? Interesting, but this is, I think, different. Some are more bleached than others and since their sunny dispostions have changed to more furtive and withdrawn I think it's something else. Will research internal parasites and hope the treatment is ok for everyone.

Thanks, screamingdonkey.
I have anti-parasite medicated food with praziquantel. Says feed only this food for 3 consectutive days for 4 weeks. I guess it won't hurt everyone else?

Again, I'm not an expert in medicines, nor the chemicals used in them.
Maybe you could post something in the Tropical Emergencies forum and hope that someone like Wilder replies - she's pretty good on these issues.

I don't think anything has changed much to get them freaked out. They were pretty happy little busybodies for several months. I've had them since maybe Nov/Dec, so let's say I've had them for 4 months. The bleaching out started maybe a month ago. I did add a couple of small pearl gouramis around that time but they'd been in QT for 2 weeks.

Maybe a bad analagy but I work in IT & whenever a PC suddenly shows signs of problems the first thing I ask is whether anything has changed recently/has anything been added etc

No, I didn't know botias changed color. You mean sort camoflage-like? Interesting, but this is, I think, different. Some are more bleached than others and since their sunny dispostions have changed to more furtive and withdrawn I think it's something else.

Yeh, sort of camouflage like - they adapt to their surroundings in order to blend in better; probably as a defence mechanism in the wild. However, saying that they seem withdrawn does tend to suggest it's more than just adapting to their surroundings. As you know botias can be quite lively fish so if they don't seem to be as bust as they once were then it points to infection/disease of some sort, although I'm not sure what.
When you do see them out, are their fins clamped? And do they appear to have trouble breathing?
I think you said in your original post that water quality was good but have you actually checked your readings recently?
If so, what have you got for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates?

Thanks, screamingdonkey.

You're welcome. Just hope they get better soon - they're such wonderful fish, a real joy to watch in full health
Maybe you could post something in the Tropical Emergencies forum and hope that someone like Wilder replies - she's pretty good on these issues.

OK. Being new to this site and not knowing if this was a real emergency I hesitated to post there. But I do need to know more about meds. Hope to hear from Wilder or other knowledgeable fish folk.

When you do see them out, are their fins clamped? And do they appear to have trouble breathing?
I think you said in your original post that water quality was good but have you actually checked your readings recently?
If so, what have you got for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates?

No & no. They are just less vivacious and also they don't seem to enjoy eating as much. Actually, noone seems that excited about food anymore. I used to stick a tubifex cube on the glass, front & center, and sit back and watch the show! They were all hilarious, especially the dojos. Now noone really enjoys their chow.

Just checked water to be sure: ammonia 0, nitrites 0. Don't have a kit for nitrates, haven't even seen one...

You're welcome. Just hope they get better soon - they're such wonderful fish, a real joy to watch in full health

That's so true! All 3 kinds of loaches are goofy and hilarious, and the gouramis are such a contrast with their elegance and poise. It's my favorite tank!

Thanks again!

PS Have started with the anti-parasite medicated food...they're not thrilled...

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