

Feb 22, 2004
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My kribs laid eggs two days ago on the roof of an inverted flowerpot.
I could some eggs when I looked with a flashlight...
But now I've come home, and I checked, and I can't see them anymore.
They are still guarding the pot though...
There's always one of the parents inside.
What could have happened?
There are two main possibilities.....

1) they ate them, either because they were not fertilized or the parents felt threatened or it's their first time and don't have the hang of things yet,

or 2) the fry have hatched and are in the gravel so you can't see them anymore.

The fact that they are still guarding the cave is a good sign of #2 :) Give it a week and they will be in fre-swim and that's when the parents will start toolin' around the tank with them. Mine normally take 10 days from the day the eggs are laid, until the fry are free-swimming.

HTH :)
thanx a lot for the reply.
I keep hoping for number 2, although I'm afraid it's not possible. It's only been 2 days since the eggs are laid, so they can't have hatched yet, right?
could they just have fallen or something? well, I'll keep looking, and I'll let you know what happens


(it helped a lot)
Yes, they could have, actually :) I had mine spawn on Friday and on Monday they had the wrigglers out in a plant. They hatch in 2-3 days, but the fry can't move around when they first hatch, so the parents carry them in their mouths. Normally they won't bring them out of the cave until they are in free swim, but mine brought them out right after they hatched this time?? :blink:

Have faith, it may work out :nod:
I've seen the female trying to seduce the male again, so I guess this is bad sign right?
Well, it was their first attempt, maybe they will succeed the next time.
Once they started breeding, they will continue right?
Just try to stop them :nod:

Forgot to say.....the pair I have now, took about 6 months to get any fry to survive, then they brought them out as soon as they hatched (dangerous in a community tank :blink: ) so they STILL don't really have the hang of it. At least they are on the right track :)

It may be a while, just so your aware.
oh, okay
thanx for the advice! and for sharing your experiences!
I wish I could have more pairs of kribs, but I don't have room enough :(
They are such cool fish...

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