

Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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i have i albino female krib with a normal male krib if i breed them will the eggs hatch and will the fry grow up looking very nice or really ugly in colour lol.

The chances are that they can breed. Hard to say whether the fry will be ugly or not, but if they do breed what do you plan on doing with the fry?
If you want krib fry all you need is two kribs. They'll generally breed unstoppably after they get going. My dad used to keep Kribs; he bought two, ended up with 6 kribs in the tank and 50 kribs given away in 2 years!

Edit: I have about 20 cherry barb fry in my 10 gallon tank! :p
Ya thats a lot of fry...I know this guy, his name is DRob, he could use some krib fry

Actually, I asked because I hope that any hybrid fry will in fact not be distributed by the breeder. Distributing hybrids is not responsible fish keeping.
Are the spawn of an albino and a standard krib considered hybrids?

That probably sounds like a pretty stupid question. :/

Seriously, I understand the idea of hybrids, but there seem to be a lot of grey areas. How exactly is a hybrid defined in the hobby?
From my understanding, Yes, they will breed, and you will end up with a mixture of both Albino and regulars.
Technically its not a hybrid since its from the same species, it is a different morph however. And whats this stuff about being irresponsible if you distribute hybrid species? I know of tons of fish out there that are hybridized and distributed all the time yet noone says anything about it. Personally i think its not a bad idea to get some unusual strain of fish out there in the hobby! Like for instance what if his kribs, or my kribs(i have the same thing, wild caught high purple male with albino female :p ) breed and i got a pie-bald color morph of the kribs? Your telling me that i should keep that incredible fish to myself and never share its genes with other hobbyists? That sounds kinda selfish. I can understand where it can get out of hand but i don't see anything wrong with breeding the SAME species and getting different color morphs and distributing them. Doesn't make the strains any less pure, might even actually strengthen them. So yeah, thats my 1/56th of a pennys worth! lol! Toodles,

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