

Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
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Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can

I just got myself 2 kribs after a long search. They are still young though, and are about 3 cm long. One is already colouring up with a purple belly and a nice orange band on its dorsal fin, but the other one has only the typical lateral band and no other features whatsoever.

When can I expect them to be fully coloured and should I be able to know the definitive sex of these lovely fish?

Do you have any pic's? I could sex them for you, as long as the are over 2cm! If you have a female, amybe in around a month they will become sexually active.
Hi Kribensis,

here we go:

The first 2 pictures are of the 'colourless' one, and the other one of the more pronounced one.



and this is the coloured one:


I hope you will be able to sex them for me. Thanks!
They are more or less the same size; difference is only minimal. Interesting; can you tell from the dorsal fin? Curently it looks as if the female (coloured one) is more dominant than the male then.

I do hope they pair up though.....
Male's usually have a more pointed dorsal fin, which is why i am question your "male". But other than that, it look's like a male. The 2nd one is defo a female. This is how i alway's sexed krib's over 2 cm, and i havent been wrong once i give my final awnser:
Males: Pales olive green color, thicker bar on their body when not breeding, pointed dorsal fin, stream-ined body, blue pelvic fin's
Females: Thick rounded body, red/;pink/purple stomach, rounded fin's, red/purple/pink pelvic fin's, golen colored dorsal fin, smaller body bar when not breeding, I have also noticed that female's mouth's are more rounded, when male's are more pointed.
Thanks very much! I do not see any really pointed dorsals yet. Problem is that part of the fin is still colourless; maybe this will colour up later? I also thought the second one was a female from what I saw of other pictures. I noticed that there is also a difference between a 'black' spot in the tail fin for the one sex, and not for the other?

Funny though, that in this species the female is much more colourful than the male.
In the mean time the male has grown about another cm, while the female only grew in width.... He does seem to be a male, since he is courting her, although until now with little success. She is not really responding yet. He also has become territorial....

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